
Friday, July 11, 2014

Day # 11--Travel Day--Kerrville Tx to Crystal Beach, Tx. 370 miles

Roger and I hated to leave the beautiful and accommodating Inn of the Hills Resort & Conference Center. We had so much fun and met lots of new people. It was great visiting and spending time with other Motor Maids and their guests that we don't see very often. It was a fabulous convention. Hats off to Texas ladies (make that a cowboy hat) and a big "YeeHaw" to all who offered a helping hand.


We left Kerrville this morning @ 09:45 and hit Interstate 10 East just a gittin it as they would say in Texas. Before long we passed San Antonio and headed for Houston. We stopped @ McDonalds and found the nicest one I have ever been in--when you take a photo of the ladies room you know it's got to be impressive.


Lunch stop in Schulenburg, Tx. @ Whataburger. Scarfed the burgers and fries down. Senior drinks were free. Always ask for your senior discount. We can always use that savings for gasing up them motorcycles. Aging does have benefits other than Social Security.


Now it's off to the 4th most populous city in the United States--Houston. OMG. OMG. That was all I could say. My first time through Houston and you can take this to the bank--It's my last time also. That 75 Mile speed limit turned into major traffic, malfunction junctions, and a mouth that would not stop. Stop. Go. Move up an inch--you get my drift. Oh--I forgot the road construction and the mowers out mowing next to the interstate. I quit checking the temperature on the bike when it hit 100 degrees. All I know is I was boiling hot. I survived it. Thank God.


We headed south on Interstate 45 toward Galveston with thoughts of Glenn Campbell whose song "Galveston" was a number one hit back in the 60's.--I believe. We made a much needed stop for Gatorade since we must stay hydrated and off we go in search of the "Ferry". The Galveston-Bolivar ferry connects Galveston to the Bolivar Peninsula and the resort community of Crystal Beach, Tx. While making our way up to get in line we ran into Coleen Murphy, Janet Pratt, and Tricia DeToni. We sneaked right in line behind them (500.00 fine if you are caught) . Lady Luck was with us--no ticket unless it's coming in the mail. The ferry has been operating since the 19th century and it's "Free".



Someone must have given Roger a headache. Maybe it was me.


Stopped for the night in Crystal Beach, Tx. Just a no-name hotel which does not merit pics. We ate at a delicious seafood restaurant called "Stingarees". Good food. Tomorrow -- thinking it may be a beach day.



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